The Role of Wisteria Floribunda (M2BPGi) Serum Level for Diagnosing Liver Fibrosis in Hepatitis B Patient: An Evidence Based Case Report

Yosafat Lambang Prasetyadi(1), Agnes Elsha Maria Simbolon(2), Anggi Anggelina Permatasari(3), Dela Ryana Swaraghani(4), Shafira Chairunisa(5), Juferdy Kurniawan(6),

(1) Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General National Hospital, Jakarta
(2) Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General National Hospital, Jakarta
(3) Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General National Hospital, Jakarta
(4) Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General National Hospital, Jakarta
(5) Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General National Hospital, Jakarta
(6) Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General National Hospital, Jakarta
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Aim: To assess M2BPGi serum performance compared to liver biopsy in diagnosisng liver fibrosis

Method: Literature search using Pubmed®, Ebsco®, ProQuest®, Scopus®, Clinical Key databases, and the Cochrane Library® yield four relevant and full-text articles. The four articles were critically appraised for its validity, importance, and applicability.

Results: Sensitivity and specificity in all four studies showed that M2BPGi serum was inadequate to ruling in and ruling out the diagnosis of liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis B patients. The difference in M2BPGi cut-off value to determine the stage of fibrosis in each study makes this value cannot be used as an accurate standard to determine the advanced stage (F≥3) of liver fibrosis. On the other hand, M2BPGi serum combined with other tests are known to improve the diagnostic accuracy.

Conclusion: MBP2Gi serum cannot be used as a diagnostic modality for detecting liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis B patients.


Hepatits B; Fibrosis; M2BPGi; wisteria floribunda; liver biopsy

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DOI: 10.24871/2022019129-133


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